Detail Scoring | Back to Index Show #70323 - 4 AQHA 112000 Showmanship Judge(s): Dean Ross | ||||
- Go 1 - #Shown: 50 - | ||||
Place | Back# | Horse Name | Exhibitor | Owner(s) |
1 | 7424 | Fools Rush In - Team USA | Violet Shetler - Saegertown, PA | Russell Keith Mueller - Mulhall, OK |
2 | 132 | Iresistable Krymsun - Team Australia | Charley Lalor - Team Australia, | Hayley Raelynn Riddle - Gainsville, TX |
3 | 7636 | RR Huntin For More - Team United | Desiree Leiner - Team United, | Landon Szczesniak - Madisonville, TX |
4 | 6673 | Sterling Assets - Team Switzerland | Lea Tanner - Team Switzerland, | Violet Shetler - Saegertown, PA |
5 | 6360 | The Triple Zippo - Team South Africa | Dylan Busschau - Team South Africa, | Deborah Linscomb - Hilltop Lakes, TX |
6 | 7321 | Gimme Sum Sugah - Team USA | Brooke Jolstad - Team USA, | Lisa Moden - Whitesboro, TX |
7 | 3967 | Roc A By Baby - Team Italy | Ginevra Bertini - Team Italy, | Deborah Linscomb - Hilltop Lakes, TX |
8 | 987 | Terrific Lee Hot - Team Canada | Taylor Carney - Team Canada, | Glenn And Kathy Lee - Conroe, TX |
9 | 431 | Gotham Girl - Team Australia | Maddison Allen - Team Australia, | Karen Ulrich - Denton, TX |
10 | 3048 | Dee Bella Zippo - Team Ireland | Kristin Kilfeather - Team Ireland, | Keylor Perry - Collinsville, TX |
11 | 5281 | Lilly - Team New Zealand | Alyssa Mcdowell - Team New Zealand, | Karen Ulrich - Denton, TX |
12 | 2826 | VS Fire N Ice - Team Germany | Stella Pfeffer - Team Germany, | Woulds Way LLC - Hockley, TX |
13 | 1089 | Star Walker Lady - Team Canada | Hailey Olson - Team Canada, | Caitie Arnold - Santa Fe, TX |
14 | 6974 | TAMU Wr Smartbalance - Team Switzerland | Sarah Holtschi - Team Switzerland, | Balance Ranch - Bedias, TX |
15 | 2729 | Peppys Chili Pepper - Team Germany | Julia Gillessen - Team Germany, | Lauren Gast - Bryan, TX |
16 | 5480 | Flat Out Good - Team New Zealand | Reece Mahuika - Team New Zealand, | Jacklyn White - College Station, TX |
17 | 2627 | Jersy Queen - Team Germany | Luca Kempfer - Team Germany, | Kyla J Dodson - Weatherford, TX |
18 | 2440 | TAMU Twist And Shine - Team France | Cannelle Turmeric Geslot - Team France, | Penny Sue Thomas - College Station, TX |
19 | 2142 | TAMU Factor A Nu Cd - Team France | Louenn Morice - Team France, | James Todd - Richmond, TX |
20 | 334 | Whizn Playgirl Crome - Team Australia | Cora Potter - Team Australia, | Gerry M Wells - Schulenburg, TX |
21 | 1718 | Megans Blue Balance - Team Denmark | Oskar Krog Jensen - Team Denmark, | Balance Ranch - Bedias, TX |
22 | 4677 | Freckles Resolve - Team Luxembourg | Wendla Wilhelmi - Team Luxembourg, | Jodi Goth |
23 | 7072 | Sweet Blue Bar - Team Switzerland | Lea Imgruth - Team Switzerland, | Jim Todd - Richmond, TX |
24 | 7523 | All Hat And Cattle - Team USA | Lauren Pursley - Team USA, | Robert James - Bryan, TX |
25 | 3449 | Hez A Dynamic - Team Ireland | Rhianna Thompson - Team Ireland, | Michelle Tidwell - Madisonville, TX |
26 | 5382 | Platinum Ranger - Team New Zealand | Lani Eccles - Team New Zealand, | Kimberly Evetts - Cat Spring, TX |
27 | 6163 | RR Makin It Radical - Team South Africa | Minki Venter - Team South Africa, | Ellie Gilroy - Boerne, TX |
28 | 3566 | Cowboys Last Litobit - Team Italy | Martina Giuggia - Team Italy, | Michelle Tidwell - Madisonville, TX |
29 | 6262 | Were Talkin Extreme - Team South Africa | Burlyn Breedt - Team South Africa, | Laurie Marie Robbins - Bellville, TX |
30 | 1357 | Hez Simply Loping - Team China | Ruohan Wang - Team China, | Torin Endvelson - Denton, TX |
31 | 2241 | Good Miss Machine - Team France | Julie Champeil - Team France, | Hayley Raelynn Riddle - Gainsville, TX |
32 | 7735 | Ity Bity Pepto - Team United | Adrien Delporte - Team United, | Moe And Janet Dozier - Waco, TX |
33 | 7839 | Play Emmy Lou - Team United | Lenthel-Louise Desmedt - Team United, | Aprille Watts - Union, MS |
34 | 1458 | Flashy Torima - Team China | Linghan An - Team China, | Tanya Kyle - Richmond, TX |
35 | 788 | Wannabeabigstar - Team Canada | Emily Yates - Team Canada, | Ryan Schroeder - Collinsville, TX |
36 | 1556 | Stylin On The Bayou - Team China | Duoji Sun - Team China, | Kimberly Evetts - Cat Spring, TX |
37 | 1617 | Suddenly Best Vested - Team Denmark | Lotte Volund Hennings - Team Denmark, | Jeanne Kavanaugh - Montgomery, TX |
38 | 5852 | Dontcha Luv Tru - Team Nordic | Natalie Fagerlund - Team Nordic, | Sue Ellen Parker - Saegertown, PA |
39 | 3868 | U Aintseen Nuthinyet - Team Italy | Lorenza Tedeschi - Team Italy, | Opal Keeling - Centerville, TX |
40 | 5654 | Red Betweenthelines - Team Nordic | Minja Tikkanen - Team Nordic, | Catherine Craig - Zachary, LA |
41 | 5012 | Step Into Starlight - Team Netherlands | Saartje Witters - Team Netherlands, | Kyla J Dodson - Weatherford, TX |
42 | 4813 | Spot On Joe - Team Netherlands | Kevin Holthuijsen - Team Netherlands, | Rosemary Hartman - Muenster, TX |
43 | 3245 | A Top Spook - Team Ireland | Charlotte Doyle - Team Ireland, | Kimberly Evetts - Cat Spring, TX |
44 | 4478 | Ima Snapper Jac - Team Luxembourg | Luna Simeons - Team Luxembourg, | Jonna Wisher Ibanez - Collinsville, TX |
45 | 4375 | Vegas - Team Luxembourg | Lisa Neumaier - Team Luxembourg, | Jacklyn White - College Station, TX |
46 | 6053 | Bingo Jac - Team Nordic | Martine Hole - Team Nordic, | Rocking M Equestrian - Hempstead, TX |
47 | 1819 | Texas Jacks Pumpkin - Team Denmark | Fie Lindegaard Fokdal - Team Denmark, | Amanda Kile - Somerville, TX |
Detail Scoring Show #70323 - 4 AQHA 112000 Showmanship | ||
Back No | Dean Ross | Total |
7424 | 96.00 | 96.00 |
132 | 91.00 | 91.00 |
7636 | 90.00 | 90.00 |
6673 | 89.50 | 89.50 |
6360 | 89.00 | 89.00 |
7321 | 86.00 | 86.00 |
3967 | 85.00 | 85.00 |
987 | 83.00 | 83.00 |
431 | 83.00 | 83.00 |
3048 | 82.00 | 82.00 |
5281 | 81.50 | 81.50 |
2826 | 79.00 | 79.00 |
1089 | 77.00 | 77.00 |
6974 | 76.00 | 76.00 |
2729 | 73.00 | 73.00 |
5480 | 72.50 | 72.50 |
2627 | 69.00 | 69.00 |
2440 | 69.00 | 69.00 |
2142 | 63.00 | 63.00 |
334 | 62.00 | 62.00 |
1718 | 62.00 | 62.00 |
4677 | 62.00 | 62.00 |
7072 | 61.00 | 61.00 |
7523 | 60.00 | 60.00 |
3449 | 60.00 | 60.00 |
5382 | 59.00 | 59.00 |
6163 | 59.00 | 59.00 |
3566 | 58.00 | 58.00 |
6262 | 57.00 | 57.00 |
1357 | 57.00 | 57.00 |
2241 | 57.00 | 57.00 |
7735 | 55.00 | 55.00 |
7839 | 55.00 | 55.00 |
1458 | 54.00 | 54.00 |
788 | 54.00 | 54.00 |
1556 | 53.00 | 53.00 |
1617 | 53.00 | 53.00 |
5852 | 53.00 | 53.00 |
3868 | 53.00 | 53.00 |
5654 | 51.00 | 51.00 |
5012 | 50.00 | 50.00 |
4813 | 48.00 | 48.00 |
3245 | 48.00 | 48.00 |
4478 | 44.00 | 44.00 |
4375 | 43.00 | 43.00 |
6053 | 36.00 | 36.00 |
1819 | 13.00 | 13.00 |
Detail Scoring | Back to Index Show #70423 - 4 AQHA 112000 Showmanship Judge(s): Holly Hover | ||||
- Go 1 - #Shown: 49 - | ||||
Place | Back# | Horse Name | Exhibitor | Owner(s) |
1 | 7424 | Fools Rush N - Team USA | Violet Shetler - Saegertown, PA | Russell Keith Mueller - Mulhall, OK |
2 | 2826 | VS Fire N Ice - Team Germany | Stella Pfeffer - Team Germany, | Woulds Way LLC - Hockley, TX |
3 | 132 | Iresistable Krymsun - Team Australia | Charley Lalor - Team Australia, | Hayley Raelynn Riddle - Gainsville, TX |
4 | 987 | Terrific Lee Hot - Team Canada | Taylor Carney - Team Canada, | Glenn And Kathy Lee - Conroe, TX |
5 | 7636 | RR Huntin For More - Team United | Desiree Leiner - Team United, | Landon Szczesniak - Madisonville, TX |
6 | 2627 | Jersy Queen - Team Germany | Luca Kempfer - Team Germany, | Kyla J Dodson - Weatherford, TX |
7 | 7321 | Gimme Sum Sugah - Team USA | Brooke Jolstad - Team USA, | Lisa Moden - Whitesboro, TX |
8 | 5480 | Flat Out Good - Team New Zealand | Reece Mahuika - Team New Zealand, | Jacklyn White - College Station, TX |
9 | 1089 | Star Walker Lady - Team Canada | Hailey Olson - Team Canada, | Caitie Arnold - Santa Fe, TX |
10 | 431 | Gotham Girl - Team Australia | Maddison Allen - Team Australia, | Karen Ulrich - Denton, TX |
11 | 6974 | TAMU Wr Smartbalance - Team Switzerland | Sarah Holtschi - Team Switzerland, | Balance Ranch - Bedias, TX |
12 | 4714 | Ruby Kruze - Team Netherlands | Anne Luitjens - Team Netherlands, | Candice White - Montgomery, TX |
13 | 6673 | Sterling Assets - Team Switzerland | Lea Tanner - Team Switzerland, | Violet Shetler - Saegertown, PA |
14 | 2142 | TAMU Factor A Nu Cd - Team France | Louenn Morice - Team France, | James Todd - Richmond, TX |
15 | 5012 | Step Into Starlight - Team Netherlands | Saartje Witters - Team Netherlands, | Kyla J Dodson - Weatherford, TX |
16 | 4010 | Suddenly Shez Lazy -Team Japan | Aya Tanabe - Team Japan, | Mariah Shelton - Coldspring, TX |
16 | 6360 | The Triple Zippo - Team South Africa | Dylan Busschau - Team South Africa, | Deborah Linscomb - Hilltop Lakes, TX |
18 | 7839 | Play Emmy Lou - Team United | Lenthel-Louise Desmedt - Team United, | Aprille Watts - Union, MS |
19 | 5752 | Dontcha Luv Tru - Team Nordic | Emma Holmberg - Team Nordic, | Sue Ellen Parker - Saegertown, PA |
19 | 6053 | Bingo Jac - Team Nordic | Martine Hole - Team Nordic, | Rocking M Equestrian - Hempstead, TX |
21 | 4675 | Vegas - Team Luxembourg | Wendla Wilhelmi - Team Luxembourg, | Jacklyn White - College Station, TX |
22 | 788 | Wannabeabigstar - Team Canada | Emily Yates - Team Canada, | Ryan Schroeder - Collinsville, TX |
23 | 4377 | Freckles Resolve - Team Luxembourg | Lisa Neumaier - Team Luxembourg, | Jodi Goth |
24 | 2440 | TAMU Twist And Shine - Team France | Cannelle Turmeric Geslot - Team France, | Penny Sue Thomas - College Station, TX |
25 | 7523 | All Hat And Cattle - Team USA | Lauren Pursley - Team USA, | Robert James - Bryan, TX |
26 | 334 | Whizn Playgirl Crome - Team Australia | Cora Potter - Team Australia, | Gerry M Wells - Schulenburg, TX |
27 | 5851 | Dulces Seven L - Team Nordic | Natalie Fagerlund - Team Nordic, | Kim Evetts Eichelberger - Kaufman, TX |
28 | 1617 | Suddenly Best Vested - Team Denmark | Lotte Volund Hennings - Team Denmark, | Jeanne Kavanaugh - Montgomery, TX |
29 | 6163 | RR Makin It Radical - Team South Africa | Minki Venter - Team South Africa, | Ellie Gilroy - Boerne, TX |
30 | 3048 | Dee Bella Zippo - Team Ireland | Kristin Kilfeather - Team Ireland, | Keylor Perry - Collinsville, TX |
31 | 5382 | Platinum Ranger - Team New Zealand | Lani Eccles - Team New Zealand, | Kimberly Evetts - Cat Spring, TX |
32 | 3967 | Roc A By Baby - Team Italy | Ginevra Bertini - Team Italy, | Deborah Linscomb - Hilltop Lakes, TX |
33 | 3865 | My Final Affair - Team Italy | Lorenza Tedeschi - Team Italy, | Jenny Carlton - Colmesneil, TX |
34 | 6262 | Were Talkin Extreme - Team South Africa | Burlyn Breedt - Team South Africa, | Laurie Marie Robbins - Bellville, TX |
35 | 7072 | Sweet Blue Bar - Team Switzerland | Lea Imgruth - Team Switzerland, | Jim Todd - Richmond, TX |
36 | 2729 | Peppys Chili Pepper - Team Germany | Julia Gillessen - Team Germany, | Lauren Gast - Bryan, TX |
37 | 7735 | Ity Bity Pepto - Team United | Adrien Delporte - Team United, | Moe And Janet Dozier - Waco, TX |
38 | 1557 | Hez Simply Loping - Team China | Duoji Sun - Team China, | Torin Endvelson - Denton, TX |
38 | 1718 | Megans Blue Balance - Team Denmark | Oskar Krog Jensen - Team Denmark, | Balance Ranch - Bedias, TX |
40 | 3569 | REF Harley Moondance - Team Italy | Martina Giuggia - Team Italy, | Bonnie Rowan - College Station, TX |
41 | 2241 | Good Miss Machine - Team France | Julie Champeil - Team France, | Hayley Raelynn Riddle - Gainsville, TX |
42 | 1459 | Scotches Kinda Hot -Team China | Linghan An - Team China, | Lauren Steff - Saegertown, PA |
43 | 4111 | Did It In Hollywood - Team Japan | Yui Tanabe - Team Japan, | Hayley Raelynn Riddle - Gainsville, TX |
44 | 3449 | Hez A Dynamic - Team Ireland | Rhianna Thompson - Team Ireland, | Michelle Tidwell - Madisonville, TX |
45 | 4813 | Spot On Joe - Team Netherlands | Kevin Holthuijsen - Team Netherlands, | Rosemary Hartman - Muenster, TX |
46 | 1358 | Flashy Torima - Team China | Ruohan Wang - Team China, | Tanya Kyle - Richmond, TX |
47 | 3245 | A Top Spook - Team Ireland | Charlotte Doyle - Team Ireland, | Kimberly Evetts - Cat Spring, TX |
48 | 5281 | Lilly - Team New Zealand | Alyssa Mcdowell - Team New Zealand, | Karen Ulrich - Denton, TX |
49 | 4478 | Ima Snapper Jac - Team Luxembourg | Luna Simeons - Team Luxembourg, | Jonna Wisher Ibanez - Collinsville, TX |
Detail Scoring Show #70423 - 4 AQHA 112000 Showmanship | ||
Back No | Holly Hover | Total |
7424 | 92.50 | 92.50 |
2826 | 91.50 | 91.50 |
132 | 90.00 | 90.00 |
987 | 88.50 | 88.50 |
7636 | 88.50 | 88.50 |
2627 | 88.00 | 88.00 |
7321 | 86.50 | 86.50 |
5480 | 86.00 | 86.00 |
1089 | 85.00 | 85.00 |
431 | 83.50 | 83.50 |
6974 | 80.50 | 80.50 |
4714 | 80.00 | 80.00 |
6673 | 79.50 | 79.50 |
2142 | 79.00 | 79.00 |
5012 | 78.50 | 78.50 |
4010 | 78.00 | 78.00 |
6360 | 78.00 | 78.00 |
7839 | 78.00 | 78.00 |
5752 | 78.00 | 78.00 |
6053 | 78.00 | 78.00 |
4675 | 77.50 | 77.50 |
788 | 77.50 | 77.50 |
4377 | 76.50 | 76.50 |
2440 | 75.00 | 75.00 |
7523 | 75.00 | 75.00 |
334 | 75.00 | 75.00 |
5851 | 74.50 | 74.50 |
1617 | 74.50 | 74.50 |
6163 | 74.50 | 74.50 |
3048 | 73.50 | 73.50 |
5382 | 73.00 | 73.00 |
3967 | 72.50 | 72.50 |
3865 | 72.50 | 72.50 |
6262 | 72.00 | 72.00 |
7072 | 71.00 | 71.00 |
2729 | 70.50 | 70.50 |
7735 | 70.00 | 70.00 |
1718 | 68.50 | 68.50 |
1557 | 68.50 | 68.50 |
3569 | 67.00 | 67.00 |
2241 | 67.00 | 67.00 |
1459 | 66.00 | 66.00 |
4111 | 64.50 | 64.50 |
3449 | 61.50 | 61.50 |
4813 | 61.00 | 61.00 |
1358 | 60.00 | 60.00 |
3245 | 59.50 | 59.50 |
5281 | 59.50 | 59.50 |
4478 | 59.00 | 59.00 |